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“Toxicity of Particulate Matter and molecular marker of risk”, Cariplo Foundation (2008-2011)

TOSCA is a multidisciplinary project, whose target is the evaluation of Particulate Matter (PM) toxicity in urban sites. Research groups with experience in chemical, biological, clinical and epidemiological sectors are involved.

The project, extending along three years, is divided into three research areas:

• chemical and physical analysis,

• biomedical effects,

• integration and data processing

The first step involves PM sampling and its chemical and biological characterization, the second one the impact on in-vitro and in-vivo systems, to identify the PM components’ mode of action, and the biochemical and functional parameters evoked by PM exposure on selected categories of populations.

The final step is to integrate the achieved results in an exhaustive epidemiological analysis performed on the territory in order to define correlations among PM features, their mode of action evaluated through biomedical effects and clinical responses.

Targets of this project are:

• Detailed characterization of all PM fractions (including UFP) and definition of toxicity differential levels, both in laboratory systems and in humans

• Knowledge of health risk due to high levels of PM concentration in Milan.

• Identification of molecular marker and clinical test able to discriminate direct and indirect PM effects.

Research Groups:

• Department of Environmental Science – UNIMIB, Research Group: Applied Cell Biology; Person in charge: Marina Camatini

• Department of Environmental Science – UNIMIB, Research Group: Atmospheric Chemistry, Person in charge: Ezio Bolzacchini

• Department of Environmental Science – UNIMIB, Research Group: Environmental Microbiology, Person in charge: Giuseppina Bestetti

• Department of Clinical Medicine and Prevention – UNIMIB, Research Group: Epidemiology, Person in charge: Giancarlo Cesana

• Department of Clinical Medicine and Prevention – UNIMIB, Research Group: Respiratory Diseases, Person in charge: Alberto Pesci

• Department of Experimental Medicine – UNIMIB, Research Group: Cell Biochemistry and Physiology, Person in charge: Paola Palestini

• Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine – UNIMI, Research Group: Environmental Medicine I, Person in charge:Alberto Bertazzi

• Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine – UNIMI, Research Group: Environmental Medicine II, Person in charge: Paolo Carrer

• Department of Biomedical Science and Technology – UNIMI, Research Group: Molecular Medicine, Person in charge: Cristina Battaglia