The POLARIS Research Center is planning an important event entitled “Air & Health – The Future of the Research and Substainable Innovation” that will be presented at the University of Milan-Bicocca the 29-30th November 2017. POLARIS, in cooperation with Sustainability Office (BASE) and with different Institution involved in the study and management of the topic ‘air pollution’ (Ministeri dell’Ambiente e della Salute, OMS, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, JRC, ENEA, Regioni), is planning a scientific workshop where the researches results will be presented and a political-managerial symphosium about the adopted solutions and the future perspectives about substainable innnovations. For the flyer please click here. You can download the program of the event at this link.
Please register (it’s free!!) at the webpage EventBrite ( select the date and register!! Click here for the direct link.